Happies and Crappies
I discovered this link up through one of my new blogging friends, Beth. I have to admit, I'm doing this for the button. Look how pretty it is! For heavens sake, it's gold and glittery.
- Today was my last day teaching English!
- My 10th graders made me a really sweet goodbye card
The mean looking woman in the middle, who's yelling at them to practice their irregular verbs, is their regular teacher, not me. Just sayin'. |
- I started doing the squat challenge with Beth @ Hang on Honey.
- I started a facebook page for the blog. I know I'm still an itty-bitty blog and all, but another blogger encouraged me to start one sooner rather than later. It's still underconstruction, but feel free to check it out by clicking here.
*If your blog has a facebook page, just leave your link in the comments. I would love to check it out!
Why yes, I do have a problem with keeping a million tabs open at once. P.S. Jana and Beth, if you look closely, you can totally tell I was checking out your blogs! Love you! |
- The French government told me that I have no right to work until they get around to processing the papers for my carte de sejour (the French version of a green card), which we turned in back in the beginning of February. I was originally told this would take 2 months. Now they're saying it "might" be ready by the end of July.
- I accidentally offended someone important to me in French, while saying something that would be perfectly fine to say English. I tried to explain, but they didn't think language barrier was an acceptable excuse. They're still angry.
- Watching the news about what's been going on back home. My heart is still in the states. Sending lots of love & prayers.
What have been your happies and crappies this week?
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