Super Easy No-Bake Cheesecake

We just celebrated my adorable nephew's 2nd birthday, and it was so much fun. This whole week I've been craving cheesecake, but our oven is still in the "experiencing technical difficulties" stage, so I went with a no bake recipe that I've been working on improving since coming to France. It was a big hit! My husband and I were both disappointed that there were no left overs to take home for breakfast.


1 3/4 C Crushed graham crackers*
1/3 C (67g) Brown sugar
7 Tbsp (100g) Butter
1/2 tsp Cinnamon (optional)

1. Mix the crushed graham crackers, sugar and cinnamon together.
2. Add in the butter and mix to form a dough.
3. Flatten the mixture into the bottom of an ungreased 9in cake pan. (Spring form pans work the best for cheesecakes)
4. Let chill in the refrigerator until your filling is ready.


1 1/2 C (12 oz, 360g) Cream cheese (Philadelphia)
2 C (50 cl) Cold heavy whipping cream 
2/3C (150 g) White sugar
2 tsp. Vanilla OR Lemon juice

1. Whip chilled cream until soft peeks form. Set aside.
2.  In a large bowl mix together the cream cheese, sugar, and lemon juice (or vanilla depending on how you like your cheesecake).
3. Fold in the whipped cream and pour mixture into cake pan.
4. Chill in the fridge for at least six hours.
5. Cover with your favorite fruit or candy bar topping and enjoy!

*The graham crackers can be replaced with almost any sort of hard cookie. We used Les Petits Bruns, a french cookie, since we can't buy graham crackers here. But I've seen them replaced with oreos, bischoff cookies, pretzels, etc. It all depends on what kind of taste you're going for.

La Vrai Cheesecake Américain 
Sans Four

La Croûte
200g de biscuits petits bruns écrasés
67g de sucre cassonade
100g de beurre fondu
1/2 cuillière à café cannelle

1. Mélanger les biscuits, le sucre, et la cannelle.
2. Ajouter le beurre fondu et mélangé pour former une pâte.
3. Tasser le tout au fond d'un moule.
4. Mettre au frigo pendant 10 minutes.

La Garniture
360g de Philadelphia Nature
50 cl de crème, bien froide
150 g de sucre poudre
2 càc de vanille OU de jus de citron

1. Fouetter la crème pendant 5 à 10 minutes, jusqu'à la formation de pics. Mettre-la sur le côté.
2. Dans un grand bol, mélanger ensemble le Philadelphia, le sucre, et le vanille (ou le jus de citron).
3. Ajouter délicatement la crème en mélangeant de bas en haut. Puis, Recouvrir la croûte avec la garniture.
4. Laisser refroidir au moins 6 heures au réfrigérateur.
5. Finalement, recouvrir le cheesecake de fruits frais, un coulis, ou des bonbons.


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