Once upon a time...
Once upon a time in a small desert town, far far away from civilization, there lived an overachiever who longed to see the world, but didn't need a prince to save her, thank you very much. So she did what any non-Disney princess would do and worked her butt off. She survived high school thanks to her three best friends and succeeded in leaving the state for college in the fall of 2008.
She loved life up at the big State U and made some amazing friends. But she soon realized that nothing in a college student's life is long term. Her friends were transferring, moving, going to grad school, getting married, and having babies. She was never a big fan of staying in one place for long either and did not consider university to be a long term pursuit. It was then that she suddenly remembered her life long dream of traveling. She also recognized that this was the only time in her life where she would be able to hit pause, leave her job & family for ten months, and runaway to a foreign country with no consequences.
So she spent her entire sophomore year filling out forms for various study abroad programs and finally decided on Grenoble, France. (She is a French major after all. So it really made the most sense.)
This is the blog where she will keep track of her adventures and post pictures. (Mostly for people like her Mother, but everyone else is welcome to read as well.) From here on out she will be referring to herself in first-person.
She loved life up at the big State U and made some amazing friends. But she soon realized that nothing in a college student's life is long term. Her friends were transferring, moving, going to grad school, getting married, and having babies. She was never a big fan of staying in one place for long either and did not consider university to be a long term pursuit. It was then that she suddenly remembered her life long dream of traveling. She also recognized that this was the only time in her life where she would be able to hit pause, leave her job & family for ten months, and runaway to a foreign country with no consequences.
So she spent her entire sophomore year filling out forms for various study abroad programs and finally decided on Grenoble, France. (She is a French major after all. So it really made the most sense.)
This is the blog where she will keep track of her adventures and post pictures. (Mostly for people like her Mother, but everyone else is welcome to read as well.) From here on out she will be referring to herself in first-person.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Can't wait to re-live my study-abroad years vicariously through your blog...
ReplyDeleteLa Mom
An American Mom in Paris
Oh! I am thrilled that I get read up on your experiences. You are special, and deserve to have a great time there.